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Name: Powder Rose Chest Ribbon JSK
Brand: Angelic Pretty
Release: 2010
Lolibrary Link
As I was moving past my "Beginner" phase in lolita I really wanted a defined style that was different from everyone else (read: I was a special snowflake) and thought I wanted my main style to be hime lolita. Thus I set my sights on every romantic, modern AP rose print that had been released until that point, and Powder Rose was one of them. I never actually did get very far with that goal, but now that I'm a seasoned veteran with more shit than I know what to do with, when I saw a friend selling this for their friend for like idk, $50-60? I figured why not, maybe I could still live out babby me's dreams.
It was cheap because it was so heavily damaged; the full shirring in the back had completely stretched out, and the bust and lace was stained/discolored from sweat. After a thorough wash and some guessing at the original elastic measurements using Lolibrary's notes and my Fantastic Dolly High Waist JSK to cross-reference, I was able to replace all the elastic and get her looking as close to like new as I could.
This was the last dress I wore to the last in-person meetup prior to Covid; we went to an indoor botanical garden.